Sunday, April 26, 2009

3 Down...9 to go!


Its a little scary to think that its been 3 months since i arrived here; and the thing that gets said the most about me is that my accent in now other words i have nearly no kiwi accent left...which is a little sad- but hey, i think ill get over it! And i also cant believe how much stuff i.e. crap ive gathered over 3 months...CRAZY TALK!

Since my last blog post, there are a few things are worth mentioning- first; i have just moved host families...this is too strange. I didnt realize how attached to a new family when they are just simply the best. I was living in the south end of Guelph, now im living in the complete opposite end of the city, so far out im almost in the country! This is a nice change i have to say, although its a little different.

Also which i think is pretty cool is the fact that i played the snow! WOW! This was truely an experience i will always be proud of. I remember that we were scheduled to play at the tournament on the Wednesday...and it snowed all day Monday. So when we got to the field at 8.30am Wednesday morning, i, to be completley honest, was scared at the sight of playing in snow. I guess we were lucky as by the end of the day majority of the snow was gone, which allowed for a better game of Rugby, but nevertheless it was fun to play in the freezing snow!

So by this date i have played a total of 5 games with a 1-1-2 record...if you're wondering how to decipher the intense intergration of numbers...we've won 1, tied 1, lost if you're wondering why we have lost honest answer is i have no idea...

Like most parts of the world, Canada has just had Easter! So i went to a place called Sauble Beach to spend the long weekend with my host mum's sister and brother in law, also along with Shoni the dog, Emily my host sister and Sam, whos at western university in London, Ontario- not London, England! So on Easter morning we all went to church and for lunch, we had LAMB! how i miss that made me feel somewhat homesick to be eating lamb when i wasnt with the Fambam...

Whats happening for me in the future...sweet 16! WHOOP! More rugby games, adapting to a new family and surroundings, and the CCT! Oh, and im also looking forward to all the presents that you all are going to send me...

The Intense Snow covered field

Eating lamb with whom i now call 'Jesus' for supplying Lamb...on easter!

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